

Rediscover Your Smile with Dentures at Girton Dental Practice

At Girton Dental Practice, we believe that dentures aren’t just about replacing missing teeth—they’re about restoring your confidence and bringing back the smile you’ve always loved. Whether you’re missing a few teeth or need a complete set, our dentures are designed to help you enjoy life with a full, beautiful smile.

What Are Dentures?

Dentures, often known as false teeth, are custom-made appliances designed to replace missing teeth and restore your smile. They are available in two main types:

  • Full Dentures: These replace all of your natural teeth and are typically used when all teeth in the upper or lower jaw are missing.
  • Partial Dentures: These fill in the gaps where you have lost a few teeth, helping to maintain the alignment of your remaining teeth and prevent them from shifting.

Regardless of the type, dentures play a crucial role in helping you maintain a healthy diet and speak more clearly. They also boost your self-esteem by giving you the confidence to smile freely again.

Full Dentures: A Complete Solution

Full dentures consist of a removable acrylic base, or plate, that fits snugly over your gums. The base supports a hand-crafted set of porcelain or acrylic teeth, carefully designed to look, feel, and function like your natural teeth. Our team at Girton Dental Practice ensures that your dentures are custom-fitted to your mouth, providing both comfort and a natural appearance.

With full dentures, you can eat your favorite foods, smile with confidence, and enjoy a renewed sense of well-being.

Partial Dentures: Filling the Gaps

If you’re missing only a few teeth, partial dentures might be the perfect solution for you. These dentures are attached to the adjacent natural teeth, filling in the gaps and preventing the surrounding teeth from shifting out of place.

At Girton Dental Practice, we offer various designs and materials for partial dentures to ensure your comfort and the most natural look possible. Your dentist will work with you to determine the best option based on your unique dental needs.

The Denture Process at Girton Dental Practice

Our process for creating and fitting dentures is thorough and patient-centered:

  1. Consultation and Assessment: We begin with a detailed consultation to understand your needs and discuss the best type of dentures for you—whether full or partial.
  2. Impressions and Measurements: We take precise impressions of your mouth to create a model that ensures your dentures fit comfortably and securely.
  3. Customization: Our dentures are custom-crafted to match the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth, providing a seamless, natural appearance.
  4. Fitting and Adjustments: Once your dentures are ready, we will carefully fit them to ensure they are comfortable and function properly. We make any necessary adjustments to ensure the perfect fit.
  5. Aftercare and Support: We provide ongoing support and guidance to help you care for your dentures, ensuring they remain in excellent condition for years to come.

Why Choose Dentures?

Dentures are more than just a solution for missing teeth—they are an investment in your quality of life. They:

  • Improve Appearance: Dentures restore your smile, filling in gaps and giving you a full set of natural-looking teeth.
  • Enhance Functionality: With dentures, you can eat a wide variety of foods and speak more clearly.
  • Boost Confidence: A complete, healthy smile can significantly improve your self-esteem and overall happiness.

Ready to Smile Again?

At Girton Dental Practice, we’re dedicated to helping you rediscover the joy of a full, confident smile. Whether you need full or partial dentures, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a brighter, more comfortable future.