Root Canal

Root Canal

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment often evokes feelings of apprehension, but at Girton Dental Practice, we want to assure you that this vital dental procedure can save a tooth that might otherwise be lost. Root canal treatment, or endodontic therapy, is designed to remove the infected or inflamed nerve from inside a tooth, allowing you to keep your natural tooth rather than resorting to an extraction and the subsequent need for a bridge, denture, or implant.

Why Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

The nerve within each tooth resides in a chamber deep inside the root canals. When this nerve becomes infected due to decay, trauma, or deep cavities, it can cause significant pain, often leading to those dreaded sleepless nights. If left untreated, the infection can spread, leading to an abscess and potentially compromising the surrounding teeth and gums. Root canal treatment is necessary to remove the source of infection, relieve pain, and preserve your tooth.

What to Expect During Root Canal Treatment?

At Girton Dental Practice, your comfort is our priority. Before starting the procedure, your dentist will administer a local anesthetic to ensure that you feel no pain during the treatment. Once you’re comfortable, a series of precise instruments will be used to clean and shape the root canals, removing the infected nerve tissue. After thoroughly cleaning the area, the canals are filled and sealed to prevent further infection.

In many cases, after the root canal treatment, the tooth will need to be restored with a filling or, more often, a crown. This helps to strengthen the tooth and restore its functionality, allowing you to chew and smile with confidence.

Don’t let the fear of a root canal keep you from saving your natural tooth. Contact us today at Girton Dental Practice to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you maintain your oral health and keep your smile intact.